Pennsylvania Snacks Review

Pennsylvania Snacks
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Pennsylvania Snacks" is a treasure . . . for parents, for grandparents, and for adults of all ages who enjoy offbeat activities.
For an outing, if you take kids to the movies, and they may remember it for months. Take them to a pretzel factory and they'll remember it for years, or for a lifetime. Want to create really sweet memories . . . take your children, or your grandchildren . . . or whomever. . . to a candy factory. They are not likely to ever forget it.
Sharon Hernes Silverman, a writer with many credits in travel publications, leads her readers by the hand, telling them where to find the food factories, and all about the tours, including previews. She is extremely thorough, and even takes the trouble to explain the manufacturing processes in clear terms that are bound to add greatly to what visitors will understand about what they see in the factories.
This book is a passport to many very pleasant and interesting days.

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