Where There's Smoke, There's Murder Review

Where There's Smoke, There's Murder
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This was a very good mystery...one that kept me guessing to the very end. I never ever dreamed I'd read about cigars...but I have to admit, it was interesting to learn about them as well as the people who appreciate them...all this while reading a good mystery, too!

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Holy Smoke Review

Holy Smoke
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This is a work of startling innovation. Stylistically, it towers above the novels of most mortals. Nominally spawned by Smithson's famous Spiral Jetty "sculpture," this book maps the external and internal landscape from a cab ride in Manhattan to the wilds of Utah as we trace one woman's search for her daughter. In a structure and syntax that defies description, Fanny Howe has produced a book that shows how creative American fiction has not yet exhausted itself. This book is not to be missed.

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A woman travels among geographies both real and imagined looking for her daughter.

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Mr. Smoke Review

Mr. Smoke
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I do a lot of reading. I read a large variety of genres. I am not easily entertained. Mr. Smoke, by Robert Preston Walker, was a delightfully new experience for me.
When I had finished reading it, not only was I highly entertained and stimulated by the story's many twisting and turning plots, it left me totally satisfied yet still craving more.
The characters were as real to me as the people I know. They live and breathe in my mind still. Robert weaves a seamless tale with no loose threads. To me, that is quite an accomplishment. A lot of writers that I have read throw in red herrings, that just muddy the waters, for fill. I found no such fill in Mr. Smoke.
At times I was confused, but the confusion was always cleared up later. Mr. Smoke made me stop and think. It made me not want to put it down and do other things, like go to sleep or go to work.
I re-read Mr. Smoke a couple of weeks after I had read it the first time, just to see if it still held the same magic for me. It was better, because I read some new things that I had missed in my hurry to get to the next Scene.
Mr. Walker doesn't have chapters in Mr. Smoke, he has Scenes. I agree with his unique concept. I found Mr. Smoke to be a highly visual book.
My suggestion to you is not to lend out your copy of Mr. Smoke. In all probability you won't get it back. I know. I have ordered a new one.
Have your friends purchase it for themselves.
Spread the word ... Smoke kills. Ask any Terrorist Bomber.
Oh, I guess you can't. They're dead, Smoked by Mr. Smoke.

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Mr. SmokeBy Robert Preston WalkerAward Winning Novel, Mr. Smoke aptly Describes a Victim Turned Hero! This Exciting and Original New Novel by Robert Preston Walker weaves a Tale of How One Man Becomes a Terrorist Fighting Sensation! After decades living in fear, a newscast brings Damon Gray out of his shell and turns him into an internationalsensation in the crime-fighting world. Years earlier, he and his parents were victims of a terrorist bombing. His mother and father died, but he was revived at the scene. Before the accident he was a talented concert pianist with extraordinary psychic abilities, but such a traumatic event masked his gifts. Years later, after his grandparents die in a plane crash, he hits a new rock bottom - until seeing a news report about a terrorist act jolts his abilities and gives him the power to avenge his family.Damon quickly becomes a hero - a terrorist bomber assassin dubbed 'Mr. Smoke" by one of his Irish terrorist bomber victims. As Mr. Smoke, Damon hunts down terrorists, another group is hunting him. Damon is an Enhanced Human (EH), and each of these gifted individuals has been hunted by the Enhanced Human Exterminators. One of Damon's would-be assassins offers a fun sub-plot, as she fails in her attempt to assassinate him and eventually joins the Smoke team as 'Misty Smoke". In their adventures, the Smoke organization encounters beings from other dimensions that add an extra layer of intrigue to this compelling novel. Robert Walker 's riveting plot line is also propelled by a cast of characters that help Damon fulfill his mission. Two of his closest friends are American Sylvia Brighton and her husband Michael, head of the British Anti-Terrorist Control Unit and a Lord of the Realm. His assistant, Garret Hastings, an ex-military man, would lay down his life for Damon in a heartbeat.A truly delightful and action-packed novel that pits good against evil, Mr. Smoke has accumulated rave reviews from readers. It's a hero's story that weaves international, and inter-dimensional, action with one man's pursuit of justice.

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Toni Raben's poetry takes my beath away. Even after reading and re-reading them.
They are at once accessable yet leave me asking "how did she do that"?
Beautiful new voice!

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Throughout her career, Toni Raben's creative efforts have led to design work on TV and movie sets, at Tiffany & Co. and Bloomingdales and eventually to her own exhibited paintings.Ms. Raben's turn to writing earned her an eight poem debut in the prestigious American Poetry Review. She lives with her husband Henry Eckstein in New York City.Contact the author at: ToniRaben@Hotmail.com orGo to her website at www.toniraben.org--This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.

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Puro Humo/holly Smoke (Punto de Lectura) (Spanish Edition) Review

Puro Humo/holly Smoke (Punto de Lectura) (Spanish Edition)
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Solitarios quienes, a pesar de todo, seguimos fumando y somos relegados a las peores mesas, víctimas continuas de mohines y desprecios, necios que se niegan a dejar de fumar, vicio castigado por una sociedad consciente de los daños a la salud, fumar cada vez más se vuelve un placer a disfrutar en los rincones, a escondidas, un placer solitario, como leer, para acompañar ese cigarro, Puro humo de Guillermo Cabrera Infante, historia de amor, es decir, de encuentro y desencuentro, en este caso con el tabaco.
En 1985 The Overlook Press publica Holy Smoke un libro escrito directamente al inglés por el cubano Cabrera Infante, una delicia que 15 años después tradujo al español con la ayuda de Iñigo García Ureta. A lo largo de 500 páginas el autor de Tres tristes tigres repasa la historia del tabaco desde su descubrimiento en América, con inusual sentido del humor y en cada página estallidos de pirotecnia verbal, suma de juegos de palabras y referencias que van del son a la música clásica y del cine norteamericano a las más elitistas de las expresiones culturales.
Puro humo es una enciclopedia del tabaco, guía para conocer cuándo, cómo y qué se debe fumar, esencialmente enfocado a los puros, ya que Cabrera Infante es defensor de los habanos y menosprecia los cigarrillos. Un libro que merece leerse por las múltiples referencias históricas, pero sobre todo por su sentido del humor.
Las diferencias entre Corona, panetela, parejo, Lonsdale, petit cetro, demitasse, margarita y punchito, la clasificación de un habano de acuerdo a su textura y color, si es oscuro casi negro, marrón colorado o doble claro de color verde, si un puro es zurdo o derecho de acuerdo al lado en que salgan las venas de la hoja con que se envuelve el tabaco, quién fue la primera mujer que trabajo en una fábrica... datos, anécdotas y un cúmulo enorme de referencias cinematográficas, en un solo volumen, todo enlazado a través de un tono festivo, celebratorio.

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"This curious volume is a potpourri of information and lore about cigars, their smokers from Rodrigo de Xeres of Columbus's crew to Winston Churchill and Castro, their manufacture, their sale and their appearance in song and story. ... His erudition is impressive and his topic entertaining..."Description in Spanish: "Puro humo es varios libros a la vez: una historia del tabaco que empieza con su descubrimiento en 1492 por un marino de la nao capitana, Rodrigo de Jerez, es además una celebración del tabaco y del fumar esa hoja extraña, y una rapsodia en que intervienen el cigarrillo y la pipa. Pero es más que nada una crónica erudita de la relación entre el puro y el cine. No es por gusto que en la portada aparezca Groucho Marx. En realidad Groucho sólo quiere que alguien le dé fuego a su habano. Este libro lo hice por él, para convertir al puro en humo y ceniza".

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Smoke and Mirrors: How to bend facts and figures to your advantage Review

Smoke and Mirrors: How to bend facts and figures to your advantage
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The opening paragraph of this 2007 book says, "This book is about turning numbers into effective graphics, to persuade, impress or confuse. It explains the graphic techniques available to make the best of a good, mediocre or non-existent case without, quite, lying outright." The sub-title of the book is more succinct: "How to bend facts and figures to your advantage."
Despite all that, the book is not a tome that has been surreptitiously smuggled out of the library of the School for Scoundrels. Author Nicholas Strange is an Englishman who makes his living creating graphic presentations for businesses and training others in the art. Like many enthusiasts, he tends to give too much weight to the importance of his subject. On the other hand, such is his love and fascination for the subject that it seeps right out of the printed pages to offer a surprisingly entertaining tour through the realms of the fuzzy thinking, the illogical and the downright crooked.
The book consists of 200 pages and about the same number of misleading, confused and/or prevaricating graphs, taken mainly but not entirely from British sources, some as (apparently) respectable as the BBC and the London Times.
The presentation is quite straightforward and methodical. After some introductory material, the author devotes one short unit after another to some specific type of distortion and presents a real world, and generally quite recent example of the thing in action.
The chapter headings of the book neatly summarize its contents and approach:
1. Introduction
2. The power of graphics
3. Distorting values - manipulating the data
4. Distorting values - graphical manipulation
5. Distorting categories and time - data manipulation
6. Distorting categories and time - graphical manipulation
7. Distorting the whole chart
The tone of the book is rather breezy, giving me the impression that the author is something of a wise guy in real life. This occasionally pays off in a nice turn of phrase: "The BBC found an answer in simply taking year on year monthly change rather than absolute prices.... The results look uncannily like the ballistic path of a market on its way to final impact in the Slough of Despond." [Page 50] Two hundred pages of that sort of thing, does get to be a little wearing, though.
The strength of the book is in the examples. Chapter 2 tells the chilling tales of how Morton-Thiokol with hand-drawn graphics for the Space Shuttle Challenger and then, seventeen years later, Boeing with PowerPoint slides for the Columbia, graphed their way toward calamity.
There are two minor weaknesses. Author Strange has a certain understandable bias toward quantifying the subjective effectiveness of his nefarious techniques. He has created two new measures, the Potential Deceit Quotient (PDQ), the ratio of the perceived value in the chart to original data value, and the Sore Thumb Discount (STD), the portion of the deceit quotient that gets noticed, or at least unconsciously discounted, by the viewer of the chart. This leads to the following equation which he uses to whomp up (dubious) numerical values for many of the subsequent treacherously lying graphics: PDQ x (1-STD) = net (i.e. discounted) expected value of the technique.
The other weakness is that in a couple of instances, Author Strange's explanation of why a chart is misleading neatly exposes the fact that he doesn't know what he is talking about. The most obvious of these appears on pages 43-44 where his explanation of why a simple little graphic showing the distribution of US veterans among the states is misleading veers straight off into Cloud-cuckoo-land. It took me a couple of re-readings to figure out that Strange was under the misapprehension that the word "veteran," as used in the US, meant a retired and elderly soldier (sailor or whatever) living primarily on a military pension. Well, as the Gershwins long ago pointed out, it ain't necessarily so.
The weaknesses of the book are minor and its strengths, to anyone with an interest in good old underhanded razzle-dazzle, are impressive. I think the book deserves five stars.

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Smoke and Mirrors takes a comprehensive and entertaining look at how charts, graphs and diagrams can be used to massage a message in business, research or government without fibbing outright. Using real examples from British and American newspapers, magazines, broadcasters and government ministries,it describes, explains and evaluates 57 different techniques ofpresenting information in a way that supports your angle. Eachtechnique is given a PDQ (potential deceit quotient) as well as an STD (sore thumb discount).Droll and informative, Smoke and Mirrors is a perfect companion for:? anyone who produces charts and graphs at work ? anyone who has them thrust upon them ? anyone wanting to read between the lines The company report may never look the same again? 'a provocative read for managers and spin-doctors alike?entertaining.' Management Today

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Smoke: and Other Early Stories (Sun & Moon Classics) Review

Smoke: and Other Early Stories (Sun and Moon Classics)
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If my memory serves me well, I first learned of "Smoke and Other Early Stories" after reading an article about Douglas Messerli, founder of Sun & Moon Press in Los Angeles. Messerli spoke of his giddy discovery that the copyright on many of Barnes' short stories had run so he had the legal right to publish them. Though Barnes apparently was not pleased by this, this collection is the result. And God bless the result. These fourteen tales (puntuated by Barne's own strange and evocative pen-and-ink illustrations) should be read by anyone who loves well-crafted, provative short fiction; and it should be a must for those who are beginning writers. The first sentence of each story introduces you to a world where everyday people and things transmute inexplicably into something weird and dreamlike: "Every Saturday, just as soon as she had slipped her manila pay envelope down her neck, had done up her handkerchiefs and watered the geraniums, Paprika Johnson climbed onto the fire-escape and reached across the strings of her pawnshop banjo." (From "Paprika Johnson.") Sometimes, she sets the stage simply as with the first line of "What Do You See, Madam?": "Mamie Saloam was a dancer." As Messerli notes in the introduction, Barnes' stories were published in newspapers at a time (the first two decades of the 1900s) when the public expected to see short fiction in such venues. Reading this collection can only make you long for such an era.

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fiction, ed w/intro by Douglas Messerli

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Up in Smoke Review

Up in Smoke
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Coming from a mid-western family, I found this book to be a refreshing read and recommend it for anyone that was brought up around farming in the mid 20s to late 50s and also for those who have just heard about this early agriculture in America and are looking for a very fun and interesting read. This is a story of a family who still celebrates their heritage in a very real way!

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If you've ever wondered what it was like to live in "the good old days," join this family reunion that is held every few years in Minnesota to harvest oats on the family farm. All the chores are accomplished in the same way they were done in the days of their grandparents and great grandparents.Up in Smoke is a children's book about one August reunion, as told through the eyes of a child. Fun games and farm animals keep the children busy, while their parents do the threshing with steam tractors. Everybody loves the wonderful farm-fresh food prepared for the 200 participants as well as the evening dances, where music is provided by the family band.Everyone is sad when it's time to pack up and leave. This book is a snapshot of a loving family get-together that creates memories for a lifetime. Authors Susan Kallander and Larry Boomgaarden share their memories of Americana. Susan is a New Englander of Swedish descent who recently married into Larry's Midwestern family. When he asked her to write and illustrate a story about his special family reunions held in Southern Minnesota, Susan agreed. She wanted to create a children's book with old-fashioned values. Her illustrations for the book are done in watercolor. A graduate of Massachusetts College of Art, her paintings are on display at The Socher Gallery in Connecticut and online at www.kallanderartgallery.com. The couple sold their home in Massachusetts and now live and travel the United States in a motor home.Publisher's website:Publisher's website: http://www.eloquentbooks.com/UpInSmoke.html

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Ray Parkin's Wartime Trilogy: Out of the Smoke; Into the Smother; The Sword and the Blossom Review

Ray Parkin's Wartime Trilogy: Out of the Smoke; Into the Smother; The Sword and the Blossom
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I read these books many years ago and found them moving, perhaps 'The Sword and the Blossom' the most moving. This, the third book, attempts to understand the Japanese character as it was experienced by the POWs. It's not pretty, but it is necessary if you want to try to come to grips with quite a lot of the meanings behind the Pacific theatre of WWII.
Parkin's writing is well-balanced, as pointed out. The brutality, sadism and all the other things can't be hidden. Parkin wrestles with the complexity of the Japanese psyche in the war. The POWs are men in extreme situations. Some may not act as well as they may have liked, but Parkin doesn't judge them: who could? There are quietly heroic acts that just seem 'normal', but Parkin doesn't make a big deal about it.
What shines through is the author's humanity. In spite of the brutality, he can appreciate the people he meets, the world around him (e.g. 'the coruscating sea'), and capture it in his sketches.

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Both the courage and the inhumanity displayed during wartime are chronicled in these three diaries penned by Ray Parkin, who served during World War II. Engaging narratives and pictures detail his experience on the HMAS Perth in the Sunda Strait battle with the Japanese naval force that eventually sunk his ship. Also recounted are Parkin's 15 months as a prisoner of war, during which he helped construct the Burma-Siam railway. Details of his final 12 months of captivity in a crowded tramp steamer reveal the endurance of soldiers who survived submarine attacks and weathered a typhoon. These stories provide a single man's perspective on the war but also offer insight into the Japanese way of thinking and the traumas of combat.

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The Plain of Smokes Review

The Plain of Smokes
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Anyone interested in viewing Los Angeles through the medium of superb poetry should read The Plain of Smokes. It is a wonderful book-length poem on the city from four points of view. Like Hart Crane's portrayal of America in The Bridge, Mudd reveals Los Angeles through a variety of styles and voices.
The first is a formal, nearly nineteenth century meditation on the city by William Wordsworth, who, speaking to his sister, is looking down at "a plain/ so homogeneous in turmoil and market-place intrigue/ that I experienced a sinking awe."
Next is Philip Marlowe, who examines the underbelly of the city in tough-guy talk as he tools around
twelve hours a day
in a mortgaged automobile
out in a shark-colored air
that eats the lung
the monotonous circles
van nuys
to southgate
boyle heights
to watts
to the beach at Venice
A third voice is the poet's maternal ancestor, who is caught on "The Sea Bird,/ south from San Francisco,/ coasting in a bad fog/ raises San Pedro,/ April of fifty-two."
The most powerful voice is the poet's own, when he traces his life in Los Angeles from childhood and youth into maturity. Mudd's aural and imagistic brilliance reminds me, partly again of Hart Crane but even more of Pound's mixtures of lyric and erudition, poetry and personae. (Mudd ironically and fondly acknowledges a debt to "mutterings from old Ezra,/ his mind gone Sargasso." in the after word.) The tones range from the historical:
The last zanja [water ditch]
is paved-over in the Twenties.
No more orchards along Figueroa,
once called the Street of Grasshoppers,
now the longest street in the world,
Dodger Stadium to the sea.
and the stoic:

I brood also
on the dilemmas of the spirit:
how they are mirrored
in the monument of City -
yearnings realized
but endlessly defeated
in the cold permanence of stone.
to the triumphant:

I've seen possibly
much of Her,
but glimpses only,
in California,
surf-dappled, emerging
like a single arresting note
from the slow drowning
in the sea's roar
The Plain of Smokes is a profound and deeply felt discourse on contemporary life and love, and the drawings by the California artist and ceramist Ken Price capture the modern city's red funk jazz of movement and light.

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Forest wildfires burn out of control while embers of passion smolder in Summer of Fire by Karen E.Rigley and Ann M. House. This story pulls the reader into the lives of artist entrepreneur Kalina Dahl and her brother, Steven, a disabled post war veteran in a drought-stricken woodland near the northwest coast of Oregon.
Kalina puts her brother's needs and feelings before her own, and struggles to make financial ends meet while keeping the worry hidden from her traumatized brother. She is determined to shoulder the load until a mysterious new face in town catches her eye, tempting her away from her convictions.

Kalina's close friend, Jill, a smoke jumper, brings secret feelings of her own into the mix. Fires burn closer to home as a twisting trail of mysteries give rise to unexpected complications. It all culminates in a quick-paced turn of events that will leave the reader sitting on the edge of their chair.
The authors' attention to the feelings and personal nuances of each character is an understated secret of Summer of Fire. They peel back layers to reveal each person's depth, testing their inner core, bringing characters to life and drawing readers into the story as part of their circle of friends. In spite of gentle sensuality, each one maintains a high moral standard so I believe this story is appropriate for the Christian book genre, as well as for general fiction. I highly recommend Summer of Fire and feel it was well worth my money and time. I may even read it again!

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With emotions volatile as the wildfires scorching the Northwest Coast, entrepreneur Kalina Dahl and her disabled war vet brother Steven, along with stranger-in-town Randy Carson and smoke-jumper Jill Presley, battle through deception, romance and danger ignited during their Summer of Fire.

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Smoke and Mirrors : The Hidden Context of Violence in Schools and Society Review

Smoke and Mirrors : The Hidden Context of Violence in Schools and Society
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I agree that this is a very timely and important book and it raises a lot of issues that other books on this topic ignore. But it is not always easy to read. I was assigned this book for an undergraduate college course and I did find a couple of the chapters, especially "Rated CV for Cool Violence" and "Masculinity Matters" and the beginning part of "The Psychology of Violence" a bit difficult to read because they were more technical than some ofthe others. Having a professor to help us understand it and discuss it in class was helpful, as were many of the explanatory definitions and footnotes. Some of what you learn in this book is also very upsetting, especially Spina's comparisons of statistical reports and the horrors described by Freire and Macedo, but if you are upset by it, the book has started to do what the authors set out to do. If you are interested in teaching or in learning about school violence, you should read several books with different viewpoints on the topic but this should definitely be one of them. It is, for the most part, a "student-friendly" book and one of two I had to read last semester that I am not likely to re-sell to the bookstore any time soon.

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Many of our countryOs children face daily a threat to their personal safety and well-being. As school boards, law enforcement officials, and policymakers continue to look for ways to stop youth violence in urban and suburban schools, not enough attention is paid to eradicating the socioeconomic and cultural conditions that give rise to these acts. In this timely and thought-provoking collection, seasoned educators and cultural theorists emphasize this connection between youth violence and the realities faced by many children--poverty, racism, unequal opportunity, and the mediaOs glorification of violence.

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The Smoke of a Thousand Villages...and Other Stories of Real Life Heroes of the Faith Review

The Smoke of a Thousand Villages...and Other Stories of Real Life Heroes of the Faith
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Short and sweet. Shows what missionaries really have to face.Please reprint this book. Excellent for Jr. high on up.

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Presents brief biographies of Christian missionaries accompanied by Bible verses, prayers, and questions for discussion.

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Fire Up Your Employees and Smoke Your Competition: How to Invite, Incite and Ignite Employee Performance Review

Fire Up Your Employees and Smoke Your Competition: How to Invite, Incite and Ignite Employee Performance
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Actually caring about one's work is a key ingredient to quality. "Fire Up! Your Employees and Smoke Your Competition! How to Invite, Incite, and Ignite Employee Performance" is a guide to inspiring one's workforce to do more than the bare minimum that pushes them through the day. Making a company that focuses on the employees is the first step, inspiring them to do more is the next, and forming good personal bonds is also vital. "Fire Up! Your Employees and Smoke Your Competition!" is a business manual focused on what one really needs at the ground level to improve a company.

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To achieve consistently great results, organizations need employees who are intellectually and emotionally connected to their performance, and committed to making a significant daily difference. Most organizations do not have this type of employee. Most of today s employees are disconnected and disengaged because they are mismanaged. The performance challenges many organizations face exist because their managers do not know how to Fire Up! their employees and ignite their passion for performance. In this book, author, speaker, and performance consultant, Jay Forte, clearly explains what intellectual-age management is, its impact on performance, and how to successfully implement it in the workplace. He does this using his proven Fire Up! ProcessSM, a step-by-step management approach that presents how to INVITE, INCITE, and IGNITE employee performance.

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Dying to Quit: Why We Smoke and How We Stop Review

Dying to Quit: Why We Smoke and How We Stop
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Dr. Brigham has done an excellent job of explaining the grip which tobacco has on persons who use it. Her information is very matter-of-fact, when suddenly she drops in a dose of humor which makes the book very enjoyable. The many charts are also very informative -- when shown to my friends, they encouraged them to read the book.
Anybody who knows and cares about the health of a user of tobacco should read this book. Also, tobacco users themselves should read it to learn more about why they smoke or chew.

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The Art of the Smoke: A Pictorial History of Cigar Box Label Art (A Schiffer Book for Collectors) Review

The Art of the Smoke: A Pictorial History of Cigar Box Label Art (A Schiffer Book for Collectors)
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layout,excellent color and photos excellent,lacks in depth info. on specific lables. prices do not reflect current pricing quides.

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Smoke and Murders Review

Smoke and Murders
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Blain Hodges, Teresa Hodges, and their two young daughters were brutally murdered in their home in Vinton, Virginia in August 1994. Earl Bramblett was arrested, tried, convicted and executed for the crime. Author Douglas Chandler Graham is convinced Bramblett was framed and is on a mission to find justice for Bramblett.
Smoke And Murders is a fictionalized account of the crime. Many of the characters are sketches of people close to the case. Except for the murders, much of the story is made up.
Graham has included all the ingredients of a first rate, hard boiled mystery. From the crime scene on we meet corrupt cops, drug dealers, a careless medical examiner and a long list of intriguing, believable characters.
It is set in rural Virginia in a small town where the haves avoid the have-nots and gossip and speculation is the favorite pastime. The town elite demand a conviction and for the problem to go away. A State Police investigator has hand picked his suspect and quickly brings the mayor and local cops onside.
Graham draws on his considerable research of the evidence and knowledge of the case to form a plausible theory as to what he believes really happened. His hypothesis is played out in this fast paced, enjoyable read. He brings together all the players and cleverly sets the tone for the sequel, leaving the reader wanting more.
I highly recommend Smoke And Murders to fans of True Crime and Murder Mysteries and I look forward to the sequel, "Three Trailers Down" (November 2009).
Reviewed by WR Potter for Reader's Choice Reviews.

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