Mr. Smoke Review

Mr. Smoke
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I do a lot of reading. I read a large variety of genres. I am not easily entertained. Mr. Smoke, by Robert Preston Walker, was a delightfully new experience for me.
When I had finished reading it, not only was I highly entertained and stimulated by the story's many twisting and turning plots, it left me totally satisfied yet still craving more.
The characters were as real to me as the people I know. They live and breathe in my mind still. Robert weaves a seamless tale with no loose threads. To me, that is quite an accomplishment. A lot of writers that I have read throw in red herrings, that just muddy the waters, for fill. I found no such fill in Mr. Smoke.
At times I was confused, but the confusion was always cleared up later. Mr. Smoke made me stop and think. It made me not want to put it down and do other things, like go to sleep or go to work.
I re-read Mr. Smoke a couple of weeks after I had read it the first time, just to see if it still held the same magic for me. It was better, because I read some new things that I had missed in my hurry to get to the next Scene.
Mr. Walker doesn't have chapters in Mr. Smoke, he has Scenes. I agree with his unique concept. I found Mr. Smoke to be a highly visual book.
My suggestion to you is not to lend out your copy of Mr. Smoke. In all probability you won't get it back. I know. I have ordered a new one.
Have your friends purchase it for themselves.
Spread the word ... Smoke kills. Ask any Terrorist Bomber.
Oh, I guess you can't. They're dead, Smoked by Mr. Smoke.

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Mr. SmokeBy Robert Preston WalkerAward Winning Novel, Mr. Smoke aptly Describes a Victim Turned Hero! This Exciting and Original New Novel by Robert Preston Walker weaves a Tale of How One Man Becomes a Terrorist Fighting Sensation! After decades living in fear, a newscast brings Damon Gray out of his shell and turns him into an internationalsensation in the crime-fighting world. Years earlier, he and his parents were victims of a terrorist bombing. His mother and father died, but he was revived at the scene. Before the accident he was a talented concert pianist with extraordinary psychic abilities, but such a traumatic event masked his gifts. Years later, after his grandparents die in a plane crash, he hits a new rock bottom - until seeing a news report about a terrorist act jolts his abilities and gives him the power to avenge his family.Damon quickly becomes a hero - a terrorist bomber assassin dubbed 'Mr. Smoke" by one of his Irish terrorist bomber victims. As Mr. Smoke, Damon hunts down terrorists, another group is hunting him. Damon is an Enhanced Human (EH), and each of these gifted individuals has been hunted by the Enhanced Human Exterminators. One of Damon's would-be assassins offers a fun sub-plot, as she fails in her attempt to assassinate him and eventually joins the Smoke team as 'Misty Smoke". In their adventures, the Smoke organization encounters beings from other dimensions that add an extra layer of intrigue to this compelling novel. Robert Walker 's riveting plot line is also propelled by a cast of characters that help Damon fulfill his mission. Two of his closest friends are American Sylvia Brighton and her husband Michael, head of the British Anti-Terrorist Control Unit and a Lord of the Realm. His assistant, Garret Hastings, an ex-military man, would lay down his life for Damon in a heartbeat.A truly delightful and action-packed novel that pits good against evil, Mr. Smoke has accumulated rave reviews from readers. It's a hero's story that weaves international, and inter-dimensional, action with one man's pursuit of justice.

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