Allen Carr's Easy Way for Women to Stop Smoking Review

Allen Carr's Easy Way for Women to Stop Smoking
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I didn't want to quit. I needed to quit. I bought the book and because I didn't want to quit I put it away until the cough was, quite simply, embarrassing. Then I thought, with this huge tug-of-war going on (I don't want to quit but I must quit for my health!), let's see if it's as easy as he says it is.
He deals first with the fear. I NEVER even tried to quit using 'willpower' before because of the fear. I was just too terrified of losing my friend, my companion, and all my coffee/cigarette rituals. He immediately acknowledged that we all think like that. But in fact we have invented these rituals as ceremonies for our next "hit".
He points out that we don't feel normal any more unless we're smoking because we are drug addicts and in a constant state of withdrawal that makes us feel empty and insecure and which can only be cured by another 'hit'. That nicotine, far from relaxing us in reality, actually makes us anxious because of what it does to the nervous system over time. But the 'hit' creates the illusion of relaxation because it's so much better than the feelings during withdrawal!
He points out a lot more and does it gently, rationally, entertainingly and never ONCE tries to scare us. And by the time I had finished the book I really was ready to jump to the other side of that proverbial line and say, "Yippee! I'm a non-smoker!"
This is key: you're supposed to smoke the whole time you read the book. So I'm sure a lot of people read really slooooowly. That's not a bad thing, that's a good thing. This is a book you want to literally live with for a few days, focus on it, re-read it again if you need to, and let it really sink in so it can change your thinking.
I am so thrilled about this method I called the UK clinic to see what it took to open one of Allen Carr's clinics in the US. I've researched and read a lot of other methods that emphasize the white-knuckling most people go through. This has got to be the BEST method on the market. Allen Carr does a number on your brain - he de-brainwashes you so you simply don't feel deprived when you quit and that means no white-knuckling!
This book is for women - he has others. Read one of them! This method works!

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Now women can kick the cigarette habit, too, using a version of Allen Carr's revolutionary Easyway (TM) Method created expressly for them. Carr's The Easy Way to Stop Smoking sold nine million copies worldwide; his method succeeds because it helps smokers eliminate the psychological craving for a cigarette even before they throw away that last pack. Filled with inspiring stories and quotes from real women who have battled nicotine addiction, this follow-up addresses the unique difficulties females face when they decide to quit. Carr and Francesca Cesati focus on those issues of special concern to women, such as weight gain, increased stress, and smoking during pregnancy-making this the perfect gift for any woman who lights up…and wants to stop.

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