Kit : Quit Smart Stop Smoking Guidebook, Hypnosis Audiotape, and Cigarette Substitute Review

Kit : Quit Smart Stop Smoking Guidebook, Hypnosis Audiotape, and Cigarette Substitute
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I was a die-hard smoker. If I had limited time to either go to the restroom or go outside for a smoke, the urge to smoke would always win. I tried the different stop smoking programs with no success. Fortunately, three years ago, I discovered the QuitSmart System. Finally a comprehensive program that really works! Each component included in the Kit - book, hypnosis tape, and cigarette substitute - provides its own unique value.
The Guidebook is packed with useful information and advice; it is easy to reference over and over. During peak urges to smoke, I would reread my favorite sections. There is a partial list of 4000 chemicals smokers inhale: arsenic, DDT, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide to name a few. In the section about withdrawal symptoms as your body heals itself, one point says, "Feeling dizzy or lightheaded sometimes occurs as your brain gets more oxygen than it is use to."Wow, this information would always kill my urge to light up!
The Hypnosis audio tape proved to be priceless. At work, instead of my usual, inconvenient smoke breaks (ten floors down and outside near the dumpsite), I used a portable player with headsets and listened to the tape. It was amazing how well the audio helped me to calm down and focus on my tasks. At the end of my work day, instead of a cigarette to help me "unwind," I listened to the tape.
The Cigarette Substitute's unique design allows you to adjust the draw to your liking; the deep breaths provide a calming sensation. Also, the Cigarette Substitute fulfills the need to do something with your hands and mouth--more satisfying than chewing a pencil or pen all day! During my previous attempts to quit smoking, irritability was a pitfall. A close friend once said he would rather I smoke than put up with my irritability! Along with the QuitSmart System, I chose to use the Nicotine patch. Irritability was never an issue. The QuitSmart Guidebook includes very helpful information on your medication options (from patch, gum, and inhaler to Zyban tablets), including a chapter on the Nicotine patch written by the Duke doctor who invented it.
This program eases you into quitting; it gives you time to prepare for your quit date. Buy this Kit now-even if you are only thinking about quitting or dread the energy and focus it takes to stop. You will discover a unique support system that may prompt you to set that special date sooner than later!

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Developed by the Director of the famous Duke UniversityStop Program, The Quit Smart Stop Smoking Kit provides all the toolsyou need to break free from cigarettes.The QuitSmart Guidebook presents the latest coping methods to ease youthrough the quitting process (including info on selectingmedications). The self-hypnosis tape helps you relax as you developthe care and respect for your body that naturally lead to permanentfreedom from smoking. The patented Cigarette Substitute features anadjustable draw and gradually breaks down the power of real cigarettesto tempt you.The QuitSmart System has been selected by hundreds of well-knoworganizations including Apple Computer, Kaiser Permanente, LockheedMartin, NASA, and the U.S. Airforce Academy.

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